Como Montar Projeto e Fluxograma de Fábrica de Shampoo

Architecture Competitions 2024


Como Montar Projeto e Fluxograma de Fábrica de Shampoo

Montar um projeto e fluxograma para uma fábrica de shampoo é um processo complexo que envolve várias etapas.

1. Planejamento do Projeto

1.1. Definição do Objetivo
Tipo de Shampoo: Decida se você vai produzir shampoo convencional, natural, antiqueda, para cabelos coloridos, etc.
Mercado-Alvo: Identifique seu público-alvo e suas necessidades.

1.2. Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
Fórmula: Desenvolva e teste fórmulas para garantir eficácia e segurança.
Regulamentação: Certifique-se de atender às normas e regulamentações de cosméticos.

1.3. Localização
Local: Escolha um local adequado para a fábrica, levando em conta fatores como proximidade de fornecedores, transporte e custo.
Infraestrutura: Verifique se o local possui infraestrutura adequada (energia, água, esgoto).

1.4. Equipamentos e Tecnologia
Máquinas: Selecione máquinas para mistura, envasamento, rotulagem e controle de qualidade.
Tecnologia: Considere sistemas de automação para eficiência e controle.

1.5. Licenciamento e Permissões
Registro: Registre a empresa e obtenha licenças necessárias.
Certificações: Adquira certificações de qualidade e segurança.

2. Desenvolvimento do Fluxograma

O fluxograma é uma representação visual dos processos envolvidos na produção do shampoo. Aqui está um exemplo simplificado do fluxo de trabalho em uma fábrica de shampoo:

2.1. Recepção de Matérias-Primas
Entrada: Recebimento e inspeção das matérias-primas (tensioativos, condicionadores, fragrâncias, etc.).
Armazenamento: Armazenamento seguro e controlado das matérias-primas.

2.2. Preparação da Fórmula
Mistura: Mistura dos ingredientes de acordo com a fórmula desenvolvida.
Aquecimento e Resfriamento: Processos de aquecimento e resfriamento, se necessário.

2.3. Envasamento
Envase: Transferência da mistura para os recipientes.
Selagem: Selagem dos frascos com tampas.

2.4. Rotulagem
Rotulagem: Aplicação dos rótulos nos frascos.
Controle: Verificação da conformidade dos rótulos.

2.5. Controle de Qualidade
Teste: Realização de testes de qualidade do produto final.
Ajuste: Ajuste da fórmula ou processo, se necessário.

2.6. Armazenamento e Distribuição
Armazenamento: Armazenamento dos produtos acabados.
Distribuição: Preparação para distribuição e logística.

2.7. Gestão e Manutenção
Manutenção: Manutenção preventiva e corretiva dos equipamentos.
Gestão: Gestão contínua da produção e melhorias no processo.

3. Implementação do Projeto

3.1. Instalação de Equipamentos
Instalação e Testes: Instale os equipamentos e realize testes para garantir que tudo esteja funcionando corretamente.

3.2. Treinamento
Treinamento: Treine sua equipe para operar os equipamentos e seguir os procedimentos de qualidade.

3.3. Início da Produção
Produção Inicial: Inicie a produção piloto para verificar todos os processos e fazer ajustes.

3.4. Lançamento
Marketing e Vendas: Desenvolva estratégias de marketing e vendas para lançar seu produto no mercado.

3.5. Monitoramento e Avaliação
Avaliação: Monitore continuamente a produção e faça ajustes conforme necessário.

4. Fluxograma Visual

Um fluxograma visual pode ser criado usando ferramentas como Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, ou até mesmo em papel. Aqui está um exemplo básico do fluxograma:

Recepção de Matérias-Primas → Preparação da Fórmula → Envasamento → Rotulagem → Controle de Qualidade → Armazenamento e Distribuição


Preencha o formulário abaixo para saber mais sobre o projeto:



* com DDD código de área da cidade









Como Montar Projeto e Fluxograma de Fábrica de Shampoo










Warming Huts



Three teams will be selected as winners of the WARMING HUTS COMPETITION: Arts + Architecture Competition on Ice from submissions of designs for a warming hut or art installation. Winning entries will be placed along the Nestaweya River Trail located on the Assiniboine and Red rivers in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A jury will select the winning designs based on their creativity in use of materials, providing shelter, poetics of assembly and form, integration with the landscape, and ease of construction.

The deadline for submission to the Warming Huts Competition:
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 at 2:00pm CST.
Further Information:

Peter Hargraves, MAA, OAA, RAIC Event Producer
p. 204.415.3906
e. peter @ sputnikarchitecture .
w. .warminghuts .
Warming Huts: An Art + Architecture Competition On Ice

The huts or installations are placed along the Nestaweya River Trail at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba ( . theforks . ). The Forks is located in downtown Winnipeg, at the junction of the Red River and the Assiniboine River. The intersection of the two rivers historically has made the area a popular meeting place for over 6,000 years. In recent times, the site has developed into a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, with over four million visitors annually.

In winter, the rivers are also used as an alternate route to access downtown by foot, bike, skates and skis. There are
opportunities for curling, hockey and much more. With many access points, the Nestaweya River Trail, is a link between communities in Winnipeg. The River Trail is regularly groomed and monitored for any safety concerns. There will also be extra security at night in an attempt to prevent people from loitering or damaging the huts.

Weather in Winnipeg during the months of January and February can be extremely cold with temperatures reaching below – 30C. Teams are encouraged to engage the effects of solar radiation, wind chill, and the constantly shifting landscape of the snow-covered river. The depth of the ice on the Assiniboine and Red River at the end of January can be as deep as 1 meter thick.
Competition Jury

The jury reviews every project and through a process of elimination selects ten projects for scrutiny. From the list of ten finalists, the top five will be ranked in order and the three highest ranking projects will then undergo a technical review. Based on the outcome of the technical review, the winners will be declared. NB: Team information is not provided to the jury until after the projects are ranked. This is referred to as a “blind” jury.

The jury comprises of a rotating group of five of the original jurors who include professional architects, designers, and artists. Three guest jurors representing the broader local community and one student from the University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture or Fine Arts who was previously involved in the Warming Huts will be selected each year.


Winning entrants will be notified and requested to develop construction drawings for submission to a technical committee. Design development will involve input from the technical committee to ensure that construction is feasible and within budget.

Project Delivery

The Forks Renewal Corporation will provide construction teams, directed by a Project Manager hired by The Forks to construct and fabricate the winning projects. Teams are asked to submit final construction drawings at the beginning of November so that the construction teams may begin the fabrication process as early as possible.

Winning teams will be invited to Winnipeg to help complete their projects and install their project on the Nestaweya River Trail. Several days of activities will be planned around the celebration of the new huts with the design and construction teams.

These events include speaking engagements, to both members of the public and students at the University of Manitoba School of Architecture, a game of shinny hockey at The Forks against local architects, a field trip to Lake Winnipeg, and a party hosted by The Forks celebrating the winning teams. These events are intended to provide the opportunity for visitors of The Forks to engage directly with the design teams. Members of the design team will be expected to meet with media and explain their designs.
Eligibility for the 2025 Competition

This call for entries is open to all architects, students of architecture, landscape architects, interior designers, artists and industrial designers who have a proven portfolio of design work. It is the intention of this competition to foster and encourage the formation of multi-disciplinary teams.
Submission Requirements

Teams are asked to login into the competition site at: .warminghuts .

Teams are required to register by following the prompts at .warminghuts . /login. A unique registration number will be generated by the warminghuts . server and a confirmation email with the registration number will be send to contact person of the team.

The unique registration number must be clearly located on each page that is submitted to the competition. The entries must be sent electronically as PDF files not exceeding 5MB each. Entries must be submitted in English. Entries shall include TWO (2) documents as follows:

Design Proposal:

Page One (11” x 17” or A3): Project Summary (include registration number)
A 150-word text describing the concept and presenting the experience offered to the visitors
Layout of selected images & drawings describing the project
Page Two (11” x 17” or A3): Images & drawings (include registration number)
Four main views or elevations of the hut indicating size and specific indication of materials (entrant is free to choose the scale
A perspective showing the hut in its entirety
Team Information: Four (4) page maximum, (8.5”x11” or A4)
Name of the project followed by your unique registration number (this number must also appear on each Design Proposal Sheet)
Design team member names with brief CV
Name of contact person, including contact coordinates
A 100-word description of the team, highlighting the strength of this multidisciplinary association
Artist Information: Name, location, and date of recent publications, exhibits, or performances
Architect Information: Name of Professional Association to which the architect or intern member is registered
Four images of selected projects for which team members have been responsible, followed with a brief description of each project
This information will be withheld from the jury until the final selection of winners. It will only be used to verify that winning teams include artists and registered architects or interns

To submit your design proposal, go to .warminghuts . /submissions.

The deadline to receive proposals electronically is Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024, 2:00pm CST.

Proposals may be presented as part of an online exhibition. By taking part in this call for proposals, entrants authorize Warming Huts: Art & Architecture Competition on Ice, to make public, exhibit and disseminate their proposals.
Selection Criterion:

Creativity of response to creating the shelter or installation on the prefabricated skids
The originality, coherence and clarity of the design
Durability of the project
Cost and ease of fabrication

The selected warming huts or installations will be announced to the public in November 2023.
Project Oversight and Design

The architect or designer will oversee the design and construction of the project in collaboration with the Project Manager assigned by The Forks Renewal Corporation. The entrants chosen to participate in the competition agree to work to the schedule established by The Forks.
Honoraria and Budget

The budget for the creation and construction of each project is $16,500 (CAN). This budget is divided in the following fashion:

up to $3,500.00 for the designers’ honorarium
up to $7,500.00 (including taxes) for the purchase of materials and/or the employment of consultants necessary for the realization of the project. This budget is managed jointly by The Forks and the designer
up to $4,000.00 for labour costs for the construction of the project
up to $1,500.00 for Construction Management conducted by The Forks



The budget for the creation and construction of each project is $16,500 (CAN). This budget is divided in the following fashion:

up to $3,500.00 for the designers’ honorarium
up to $7,500.00 (including taxes) for the purchase of materials and/or the employment of consultants necessary for the realization of the project. This budget is managed jointly by The Forks and the designer
up to $4,000.00 for labour costs for the construction of the project
up to $1,500.00 for Construction Management conducted by The Forks




Oct. 1, 2024 2:00pm CST - Deadline for submissions
Oct. 4, 2024 - Jury of Competition
Oct. 8 – 23, 2024 - Technical Review
Nov. 20, 2024 - Winner Announcement
Nov. 22, 2024 - Construction Documents Due
November 2024 - January 22, 2025 - Construction Period
Jan. 22 - 26, 2025- Building Blitz (Teams travel to Winnipeg)





Architecture Competitions 2024

Architecture Competitions 2024


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